About Azidar - Meta
Motivations and Inspirations
The Goal of this Project
Azidar's Unique Offering
As mentioned, I'm passionate about creating a realm ruled by ancestries other than humans. I've always been drawn to playing dragonborn or tortles in 5E games, so it made sense to challenge the anthropomorphic view most settings assume.
Delve into the world of Azidar, and forget what you know about being "human." Thinking about how human-centered our world truly is my way to continue to inspire you to consider how precious all creatures are on the earth. I also firmly believe that we are not alone in the universe. May you be inspired and find unlimited creativity and delight. Enjoy!
• Frey Bugbee
This role-playing game setting is being created as a free resource taking place in two separate Ages. Game Masters can choose which age suits them. Read
This world represents my desire to see a fantasy setting that portrays humans as a lesser entity from a once great civilization. As most settings go, strife, war, and destruction affect the lands and are framed by a pure evil that ultimately destroys culture and society. In Azidar, this unleashed evil inevitably drives humans underground and leads to a Second Age dominated by a consortium of thinking creatures.
The Second Age of this realm aims to inspire players to role-play in a world that celebrates creatures like goblins and lizardfolk society. In this realm, 'monstrous' ancestries are not oddities, but simply other creatures. The joy of RPG worlds lies in our freedom to break out of the norms and become something we are not.
Player Experience
Recurring Themes - Second Age
- The remnants of a dangerous human civilization and powerful magic lie hidden in the wilderness and protected by the drâkēn worldwide.
- Corruption within those in power is a universal evil and offers those who fight for good to protect the community.
- The Shadowdark harbors a darkness connected to an evil sealed off from the surface long ago. Creatures who thirst for power work to unleash this evil...again.
Character Agency
Government Presence: The rise of corruption and hoarding of wealth draws the attention of a new league of pirates.
Wealth Distribution: Most cities have been overtaken by wealth-hoarders and power-grabbers. The smaller towns and one city fight to bring prosperity to all.
The Rise of Magic: The stigma of using magic has begun to lift due to the helpful nature it can extend to the common folk. The secret protectors of magic work covertly to prevent evil from destroying the world.
![Drâkēn Circle](https://magevs.monster/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/draken-circle.png)
The Beast Guild, once an independent, self-governed union of practitioners, is now rife with corruption and cruelty. Those who are interested in reviving the old ways of the Wildlings are gathering in the towns where the Beast Guild began. Missions to rescue all forms of "domesticated" creatures and protect the sanctity of companionship are underway.
The King of Tilan has grown suspicious of his people. Many fear that the king has gone mad after years of isolation. A powerful general has moved in and appears to control more than the army and navy. Those in the city are beginning to suffer as taxes reach an unsustainable level.
The far reaches of Azidar harbor an evil society known as palefolk, the remainder of humankind who fled to the Shadowdark. The drâkēn leaders keep a watchful eye on locations where the Shadowdark humans emerge. Locations like Castlemont near Hihthelm are likely to have encounters with the palefolk.
Ancient lawful dragons, the metallic dragons connected to the outer planes, love Azidar. The enormous quantity of gold, silver, bronze, and copper on Azidar sparked avarice and malevolence. The ancient chromatic dragons regularly tempt those on Azidar who seek metallic wealth.